K-5 Library and Information Technology

Explore Library & Information Technology at Blue Oak School

Blue Oak’s developmentally appropriate method of scaffolding technology use provides students with the strong foundation they will need to succeed as savvy citizens of an increasingly digital society.

Kindergartners are introduced to technology via iPads, while students in 2nd and 3rd grades use iPads and laptops to word process and conduct research. Technology use expands in 4th and 5th grade to include more complex iPad apps and Chromebooks, which support Google Apps for Education. Students also have weekly keyboarding lessons to learn how to communicate efficiently with technology.

In Middle School, Blue Oak School students use various types of technology to gather information, communicate, illustrate and solve problems. Students in our middle school grades also practice the thoughtful and responsible consumption of information by learning to access, evaluate, and appropriately use information from online sources.

All Blue Oak students and parents are asked to sign an Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement. Middle School students are issued a Chromebook for use at school as part of our 1:1 program. The Chromebook offers quick and easy access to the internet, Blue Oak Mail, Google Apps, and gives students an essential keyboard to improve their skills and speed at typing. Each student is responsible for their Chromebook for the entire school year and is expected to bring the charged device to school each day.
Transitional Kindergarten Library & Information Technology
  • Knows how, and is able to check out resources from the school library responsibly.
  • Distinguishes fact from fiction.
  • Understands the general organization of the library.
  • Identifies basic facts and ideas in what was read, heard, or seen.
  • Uses pictures and context to make predictions about content.
  • Reads or is read to from a variety of resources.
  • Understands and responds to nonfiction.
Kindergarten Library & Information Technology
  • Knows how, and is able to check out resources from the school library responsibly.
  • Distinguishes fact from fiction.
  • Understands the general organization of the library.
  • Identifies basic facts and ideas in what was read, heard, or seen.
  • Uses pictures and context to make predictions about content.
  • Reads or is read to from a variety of resources.
  • Understands and responds to nonfiction.
First Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Alphabetizes to the first letter to locate books in the library.
  • Identifies basic digital devices and parts of a computer.
  • Demonstrates correct procedures to turn computer off and on, and open and close applications.
  • Identifies characteristics of fiction and nonfiction.
  • Describes the roles of authors and illustrators.
  • Identifies services and resources of the public library.
  • Knows the difference between the roles of media to entertain and to inform.
  • Understands that the Internet is a way a computer is connected to the world.
  • Reads a good representation of grade level text, classic, contemporary and online resources.
  • Reads and recites poems, rhymes, songs and stories.
  • Recollects, talks and writes about materials read.
Second Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Identifies a simple question that needs information.
  • Understands the concept of keywords.
  • Identifies two sources of information that may answer the questions.
  • Independently checks out and cares for library resources, both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Alphabetizes beyond the initial letter to locate resources.
  • Identifies parts of a book: table of contents, glossary, index and dedication.
  • Uses computer software graphic elements and navigational tools.
  • Identifies main ideas in texts in preparation for note taking.
  • Draws meaning from illustrations, diagrams, photographs, charts, maps, graphs and captions.
  • Understands the Internet contains accurate and inaccurate information.
  • Demonstrates the ability to discern the difference between advertisements and information.
  • Demonstrates proper procedures and good citizenship in the library and online.
  • Adheres to privacy and safety guidelines when using the Internet.
  • Uses information and technology creatively to answer a question, solve a problem, or enrich understanding.
  • Reads widely and use various media for information, personal interest, and lifelong learning.
Third Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Understands the general purpose of the library catalog.
  • Performs a basic search of the automated library catalog by title, author, subject and keyword.
  • Understands the information on spine labels, including call numbers.
  • Understands general reference resources, including dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia.
  • Locates information in texts by using the organizational parts of a book, (title, table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, index).
  • Evaluates and analyzes information for relevance, currency, credibility and accuracy.
  • Demonstrates ethical, legal and safe use of information in print, media, and online resources.
  • Defines cyberbullying and its effects.
  • Reads widely and uses various media for information, personal interest and lifelong learning.
  • Listens, views and reads stories, poems and plays
Fourth Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Accesses information using a variety of resources.
  • Understands basic organization of the library classification system.
  • Defines online terms, (home page, website, search engine, URL)
  • Defines URL extensions, (.com, .org, .edu,..gov, .net)
  • Retrieves information in a timely, safe and responsible manner.
  • Evaluates information for currency, credibility, authority and accuracy.
  • Distinguishes between fact and opinion.
  • Recognizes the role of media to persuade and interpret events
  • Demonstrates ethical, legal, and safe use of information.
  • Reads a good representation of grade level text, including classic and contemporary literature and online information.
  • Understand and describes the purpose of age-appropriate book awards (e.g. Caldecott, Newbery, California Young Reader.
  • Uses a variety of information resources to deliver oral presentations that express main ideas supported by significant details.
Fifth Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Accesses information using knowledge of the organization of libraries, print and digital materials.
  • Defines topic of a research investigation and formulates appropriate questions
  • Identifies and locates a variety of resources using effective search strategies.
  • Uses text features in both print and online sources.
  • Uses scanning and skimming skills to locate relevant information.
  • Evaluates information for currency, credibility, authority, and relevance.
  • Considers need for additional information.
  • Demonstrates ethical, legal, and safe use of information.
  • Reads a good representation of grade level text.
  • Understands the basic components of information literacy (e.g. identify, access, evaluate and use information effectively).
  • Understands that genre is a term that describes types of literary works.