K-8 Spanish

Explore Spanish Studies at Blue Oak School

Transitional Kindergarten Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy
  • Uses TPR with movements, visual, aural, and tactile approaches to infer meaning
  • Uses basic routine vocabulary, including the alphabet, numbers, colors and parts of the body
  • Uses curriculum based vocabulary
  • Uses single words and sentences to communicate on familiar topics
  • Responds accurately to yes/no questions
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Kindergarten Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy
  • Uses TPR with movements, visual, aural, and tactile approaches to infer meaning
  • Uses basic routine vocabulary, including the alphabet, numbers, colors and parts of the body
  • Uses curriculum based vocabulary
  • Uses single words and sentences to communicate on familiar topics
  • Responds accurately to yes/no questions
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
First Grade Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy
  • Uses TPR with movements, visual, aural, and tactile approaches to infer meaning
  • Uses basic routine vocabulary, and builds upon previously learned vocabulary by including feelings, insects, weather and days of the week
  • Uses curriculum based vocabulary
  • Uses more than one word to communicate on familiar topics
  • Demonstrates comprehension of simple sentences in the target language
  • Responds accurately to yes/no questions
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Second Grade Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy according to time of day
  • Uses TPR with movements, visual, aural, and tactile approaches to infer meaning
  • Reiteration of previously learned vocabulary, builds upon by including basic foods, clothing and animal body parts
  • Responds accurately to yes/no and either/or questions
  • Communicates on some familiar topics using single words and basic phrases
  • Demonstrates comprehension of simple sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends basic classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Responds accurately to yes/no and either/or questions
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Third Grade Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy
  • Uses physical gestures to infer meaning
  • Responds accurately to yes/no and either/or questions
  • Uses previously learned vocabulary in the target language, including Spanish speaking countries, school supplies, school subjects, transportation and foods
  • Communicates on some familiar topics using basic phrases
  • Demonstrates comprehension of simple sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends basic classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Expresses likes, dislikes and emotions in the target language
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Fourth Grade Spanish
  • Uses salutations and expressions of courtesy according to the time of day
  • Begins to use verbal cues provided in the target language to infer meaning
  • Begins to respond accurately to basic conversational questions
  • Uses previously learned vocabulary in the target language, including months of the year, family, places/jobs in our school community, prepositions of place, hobbies and date/time
  • Communicates on familiar topics using short sentences
  • Demonstrates comprehension of simple sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Expresses likes, dislikes and emotions in the target language
  • Shares basic information about self in the target language
  • Uses curriculum based vocabulary
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Fifth Grade Spanish
  • Uses different greetings, farewells and expressions of courtesy according to the time of day and relationship with the person to whom he/she is speaking
  • Uses verbal cues provided in the target language to infer meaning
  • Responds accurately to basic conversational questions
  • Uses previously learned vocabulary in the target language, including family, careers, and use of common interrogative pronouns
  • Communicates on several familiar topics using sentences
  • Demonstrates comprehension of sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Expresses likes, dislikes and emotions in the target language
  • Shares information about self in the target language
  • Begins to demonstrate comprehension and use of -AR and -ER/IR regular verbs in the present tense (in the first person singular, the first person singular and plural, and the third person singular)
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Sixth Grade Spanish
  • Accurately responds to basic conversational questions
  • Expresses feelings, emotions, agreement and disagreement in the target language
  • Begins to make affirmative and negative statements on familiar topics
  • Recalls previously taught vocabulary
  • Talks about things and activities he/she likes and doesn’t like to do
  • Uses adjectives to describe people, animals and places
  • Uses interrogative words to ask questions
  • Begins to use the correct conjugations for -AR, -ER, -IR regular verbs in the present tense
  • Begins to use the correct conjugations for the irregular verbs “Ser” and “Estar” (Verb “To Be”) in the present tense
  • Begins to understand written language on a variety of basic topics
  • Begins to present basic information in the target language
Seventh Grade Spanish
  • Accurately responds and asks basic conversational questions
  • Expresses feelings, agreement, disagreement and opinions in the target language
  • Makes affirmative and negative statements on familiar topics
  • Recalls and begins to use previously taught vocabulary
  • Begins to use reflexive verbs
  • Uses adjectives to describe people, animals and places in detail
  • Uses the correct conjugations for -AR, -ER, -IR regular verbs in the present tense
  • Uses the correct conjugations for some irregular verbs, including “Ser” and “Estar” (Verb “To Be”),
  • “Tener” (Verb “To Have”) and “Ir” (Verb “To Go”) in the present tense
  • Understands written language on a variety of topics
  • Presents basic information in the target language
Eighth Grade Spanish
  • Accurately asks and responds to conversational questions
  • Expresses feelings, agreement, disagreement and opinions in the target language
  • Expresses affirmative and negative statements on familiar topics
  • Recalls and uses previously taught vocabulary
  • Expresses possession using singular and plural possessive adjectives
  • Uses reflexive verbs and indirect object pronouns
  • Uses the correct conjugations for -AR, -ER, -IR regular verbs in the present tense
  • Uses the correct conjugations for a variety of irregular verbs in the present tense
  • Uses the correct conjugations for some basic stem-changing verbs in the present tense
  • Uses the correct conjugations for regular verbs in the past tense
  • Understands and interprets written language with the ability to present in the target language on a variety of topics
  • Practice cultural components through music, dance, cuisine, and celebrations

Join us for our Spring Open House on Sunday, March 16th 2025

TK-8 Grade

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