Welcome to Fifth Grade

Fifth grade is the final year of lower school at Blue Oak, and with that distinction, the fifth grade school job is leadership.

Making announcements, helping clear out the lost and found, and advertising school wide spirit days are just a few of the responsibilities the fifth grade students carry. Study topics explore the founding of our nation and the American Revolution and reach out into space to explore the phases of the Moon, the Sun, gravity and space in general. The overnight adventure of fifth grade includes some aspects of star gazing and the night sky.

Fifth Grade Social and Emotional Standards (C.A.R.E.S.)

  • Cooperation: Is able to make and keep friends, works with others toward a common goal, resolves differences quickly, cooperates as a group leader or as a member of the group
  • Assertiveness: Expresses strong emotions or opinions effectively, is able to seek help, shows openness and honesty, persists through challenging events, takes initiative to do what’s right, makes choices they feel good about later
  • Responsibility: Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome, holds oneself accountable, demonstrates social, civic and digital responsibility, takes care of property
  • Empathy: Recognizes and manages one’s own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others, respects and values diversity in others. Respects different cultural norms, is aware of the impact of one’s actions on others
  • Self-control: Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards, manages overwhelming thoughts and emotions, controls impulses and delays gratification, shows hope and perseverance
Fifth Grade Mathematics

A Blue Oak math classroom features a combination of whole-group, small-group, and independent activities that are problem centered. In fifth grade, students focus on computing with fractions, dividing with larger numbers, calculating with decimal numbers, and finding the volume of rectangular prisms. Cooperative games and projects are part of the math curriculum.

  • Communicates and represents mathematical thinking
  • Organizes mathematical thinking efficiently and clearly to demonstrate their process
  • Reads, writes, and compares numbers to millions, using standard form, word form and expanded form
  • Writes and interprets numerical expressions using parentheses and brackets
  • Fluently adds and subtracts whole numbers (including decimals to the thousandths)
  • Knows multiplication and division facts with automaticity
  • Understands and explains patterns using powers of ten
  • Reads, writes, compares and can round decimals to the thousandths place
  • Successfully multiplies 4 digit numbers by up to 2 digit numbers
  • Successfully divides up to 4 digit numbers by up to 2 digit numbers
  • Uses equivalent fractions as a strategy to problem solve using the four operations involving fractions with unlike denominators
  • Uses decimals to the hundredths place to solve problems using concrete models of the four operations
  • Converts measurement units within the same given measurement system
  • Represents and interprets data
  • Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures
  • Relates volume to the operations of multiplication and addition, and solves real-world and mathematical problems involving volume.
  • Classifies two dimensional figures based on their properties
Fifth Grade Literacy

Speaking and Listening

  • Engages effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade level topics
  • Comes to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material
  • Follows agreed-upon rules for discussion
  • Makes comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others
  • Reports on a topic or text, or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes
  • Speaks clearly and at an understandable pace


Fifth grade is a time for students to practice their intellectual independence. Students draw on a repertoire of ways for reading closely, noticing how story elements interact, understanding how different authors develop the same theme, and comparing and contrasting texts that develop a similar theme. Students investigate the ways nonfiction texts are becoming more complex, and they learn strategies to tackle these new challenges. Strong foundational skills, such as fluency, orienting to texts, and word solving, are required to read complex nonfiction. These skills are used to conduct research on a debatable topic, consider perspective and craft, evaluate arguments, and formulate their own evidence-based, ethical positions on issues. Finally, students work in clubs to become deeply immersed in the fantasy genre and further develop higher-level thinking skills to study how authors develop characters and themes over time. They think metaphorically as well as analytically, explore the quests and themes within and across their novels, and consider the implications of conflicts, themes, and lessons learned.

  • Reads and comprehends various grade level texts with sufficient accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.
  • Refers to setting, plot, characters, author’s purpose, and point of view in summarizing a piece of literature
  • Compares and contrasts various literary elements across texts
  • Determines the main idea of a nonfiction text and explain how the key details support the main idea
  • Synthesizes information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably


Fifth grade writers employ the Writers Workshop to create personal narratives, research papers, argument essays, and memoir. Students work to develop their craft and skill to communicate their ideas, opinions, and learning in a variety of methods for a variety of audiences.

  • Writes regularly in their writer’s notebook to develop ideas, while thoughtfully trying new strategies and genres
  • Uses the writing process to draft, set goals, revise and edit their writing
  • Develops craft and elaboration techniques (description, plot, theme, evidence, and literary language) across a variety of writing genres
  • Develops structure techniques (overall structure, lead, transitions, ending, and organization) across a variety of writing genres
  • Uses grade level language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
Fifth Grade Science
  • Understands and applies the steps of the scientific method
  • Develops own scientific vocabulary
  • Collects and records data using models to accurately depict scientific concepts or principles
  • Organizes and analyzes scientific data to clearly demonstrate results of experimentation or research
  • Develops testable hypotheses and demonstrates learning when explaining results about the properties of matter: particles too small to be seen and conservation of matter
  • Develops testable hypotheses and demonstrates learning when explaining results about energy conservation and flow of matter in plants, animals and the ecosystem
Fifth Grade Social Studies
  • Researches key US geographical features and examines the ways in which geography has affected groups of people over time
  • Summarizes how groups of first Americans adapted to different environments in North America
  • Analyzes historical artifacts from American Indian groups and compares/contrasts life in various regions
  • Identifies the key European Expeditions, including the reasons for wanting to colonize the New World
  • Describes the cooperation and conflict that existed among the American
  • Indians and between the Indian nations and the new settlers
  • Explains the early democratic ideas and practices that emerged during the colonial period
  • Analyzes and explains differing perspectives of oppression and how this leads to movements and revolutions
  • Demonstrates the factors that helped the colonists win the American Revolution
  • Identifies the values, structures, and systems that led to social injustice in America from pre-colonial period until the early 20th century
  • Identifies what it means to be a citizen of the United States
  • Analyzes primary and secondary sources as historical evidence
  • Presents research findings through speeches, projects, and reports
Fifth Grade Physical Education
  • Strikes a tossed ball with consistency
  • Engages in sportsmanship and accepts wins and losses with awareness of others
  • Participates effectively and demonstrates effort in sports games and fitness activities
  • Perform flexibility and strengthening exercises with proper form
  • Dribbles and passes a ball to a partner while being guarded
  • Throws an object accurately and with applied force
  • Analyzes and corrects errors in movement patterns
  • Shows self-control by accepting a controversial decision by an official
  • Identifies and defines the role of each participant in a cooperative physical activities
Fifth Grade Visual Art
  • Implements monochromatic, analogous colors schemes
  • Instinctively applies the elements and principles of design to artwork
  • Instinctively applies observational skills in creative process
  • Sets goals, combines ideas to create artwork that is both meaningful, innovative and with purpose.
  • Brainstorms different approaches to a creative art or design problem
  • Discusses thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in artwork. Collaborates with others on feedback and critique
  • Through observation, gathers information about other cultures, time, and place
  • Demonstrates quality craftsmanship through care for and use of materials and tools. Applies learned vocabulary in creating a work of art
  • Develops safe and effective use of materials and techniques for preparing and presenting artwork
Fifth Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Accesses information using knowledge of the organization of libraries, print and digital materials.
  • Defines topic of a research investigation and formulates appropriate questions
  • Identifies and locates a variety of resources using effective search strategies.
  • Uses text features in both print and online sources.
  • Uses scanning and skimming skills to locate relevant information.
  • Evaluates information for currency, credibility, authority, and relevance.
  • Considers need for additional information.
  • Demonstrates ethical, legal, and safe use of information.
  • Reads a good representation of grade level text.
  • Understands the basic components of information literacy (e.g. identify, access, evaluate and use information effectively).
  • Understands that genre is a term that describes types of literary works.
Fifth Grade Spanish
  • Uses different greetings, farewells and expressions of courtesy according to the time of day and relationship with the person to whom he/she is speaking
  • Uses verbal cues provided in the target language to infer meaning
  • Responds accurately to basic conversational questions
  • Uses previously learned vocabulary in the target language, including family, careers, and use of common interrogative pronouns
  • Communicates on several familiar topics using sentences
  • Demonstrates comprehension of sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Expresses likes, dislikes and emotions in the target language
  • Shares information about self in the target language
  • Begins to demonstrate comprehension and use of -AR and -ER/IR regular verbs in the present tense (in the first person singular, the first person singular and plural, and the third person singular)
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Fifth Grade Music
  • Sings a variety of unison songs and canons with developmental accuracy
  • Demonstrates understanding of simple and compound meters
  • Demonstrates understanding of musical structure/form including phrases and sections, introduction, interlude, coda
  • Achieves beginning level African drumming technique
  • Develops ukulele technique
  • Hones ensemble playing and performance skills
  • Demonstrates an understanding of word rhythm and singable/memorable melody
  • Demonstrates a willingness to improvise

Still accepting applications for the 2024-2025 School Year…

Including for our NEW TK Program!