Welcome to Fourth Grade

The fourth grade year includes the extensive study of rocks and geology, and what better mineral frenzy to focus on than the Gold Rush as part of the year-long study of California history.

The year ends with the much-loved overnight trip to Gold Country to actually pan for some of the yellow metal. Reading includes both independent and class reading assignments as students dive into longer texts within the genres of fiction, non-fiction, and historical fiction. All of this works well with the fourth grade school job of Library Leadership.

Fourth Grade Social and Emotional Standards (C.A.R.E.S.)

  • Cooperation: Is able to make and keep friends, works with others toward a common goal, resolves differences quickly, cooperates as a group leader or as a member of the group
  • Assertiveness: Expresses strong emotions or opinions effectively, is able to seek help, shows openness and honesty, persists through challenging events, takes initiative to do what’s right, makes choices they feel good about later
  • Responsibility: Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome, holds oneself accountable, demonstrates social, civic and digital responsibility, takes care of property
  • Empathy: Recognizes and manages one’s own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others, respects and values diversity in others. Respects different cultural norms, is aware of the impact of one’s actions on others
  • Self-control: Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards, manages overwhelming thoughts and emotions, controls impulses and delays gratification, shows hope and perseverance
Fourth Grade Mathematics

A Blue Oak math classroom features a combination of whole-group, small-group, and independent activities that are problem centered. In fourth grade, students focus on multiplication and division with multi-digit numbers, fractions, and geometry. Fourth graders engage in five major kinds of activities: Problems & Investigations, Work Places, Math Forums, Problem Strings, and Assessments.

  • Communicates and represents mathematical thinking
  • Attends to precision
  • Read and write numbers to ten thousands, using numerals, word form and expanded form
  • Rounds multi-digit whole numbers to any place
  • Can add multi-digit whole numbers
  • Can subtract multi-digit whole numbers
  • Is fluent with multiplication facts to 9×9 and division facts up to 100 divided by 10
  • Uses understanding of place value to divide 4-digit dividends by 1 divisors
  • Understands fraction equivalence
  • Builds fractions from unit fractions(⅕+⅕=⅖)
  • Understands decimal notation for fractions and can compare decimal fractions(25/100 and 3/10)
  • Can draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles
  • Calculates area and perimeter of regular geometric shapes
  • Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units
  • Interprets and uses graphs in various ways of displaying data
  • Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison
  • Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers using the four operations
Fourth Grade Literacy

Speaking and Listening

  • Engages effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics
  • Comes to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material
  • Follows agreed-upon rules for discussion
  • Makes comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others.
  • Speaks clearly and at an understandable pace
  • Reports on a topic or text in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes


In fourth grade, students delve into complex texts and see significance in details. The year is broken up into units. Students study the complexity of characters and explore themes while developing skills such as inference and interpretation. Forming research teams, students delve into topics about extreme weather and natural disasters while developing their skills comparing and contrasting and evaluating sources to determine credibility. Students study multiple points of view, support a position with reasons and evidence, tackle complex texts, and learn strategies for using new domain-specific words. Finally, students practice reading analytically, synthesizing complicated narratives, comparing and contrasting themes, and incorporating nonfiction research into their reading. Many of these are in conjunction with their social studies exploration of California state history.

  • Reads grade-level texts with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
  • Accurately summarize setting, characters, and plot of a grade-level text
  • Writes regularly in their reader’s notebook to develop ideas about independent reading
  • Compares and contrasts nonfiction texts on the same subject
  • Determines the main idea of a text, explaining how the key details support the main idea
  • Integrates information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably


Fourth grade writers employ the Writers Workshop to delve into writing realistic fiction, personal and persuasive essays, and an historical research paper in conjunction with the social studies unit. Literary essay writing is supported by the use of more formulaic paragraph structure to further encourage supporting details and writing organization.

  • Writes regularly in their writer’s notebook to develop ideas, while thoughtfully trying new strategies
  • Knows and uses the stages of the writing process appropriately
  • Can edit for and use correct capitalization, grammar, and punctuation
  • Uses reference materials, both print, and digital, to clarify the precise meaning of keywords and phrases
  • Uses conventional spelling for grade-appropriate words, consulting references as needed
  • Writes legibly in cursive or print
  • Has stamina for writing and uses writing time productively
  • Shows organization strategies, meaningfully connect 3-5 paragraphs with transitions
Fourth Grade Science
  • Participates in scientific discussions and demonstrates curiosity through investigation
  • Uses observation and questioning skills in science inquiry
  • Collects and records data with pictures, numbers and words
  • Makes predictions and draws conclusions based on observed patterns
  • Answers questions using scientific resources and observations
  • Effectively communicates results of experiments and lab work using scientific vocabulary
  • Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
Fourth Grade Social Studies
  • Explains how chronological events relate to each other
  • Interprets maps and uses them to identify locations of historical events
  • Describes the various regions of California and explains how their characteristics affect human activity
  • Explain the systems of cooperation and conflict as different cultures interact
  • Explains democratic systems
  • Uses evidence from historical texts to demonstrate understanding of differing perspectives
  • Conducts research using primary and secondary sources throughout fourth grade units of study
  • Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
Fourth Grade Physical Education
  • Shows awareness of teammates during games
  • Demonstrates correct body position while performing strengthening exercises
  • Sets goals for self and reflects on success
  • Throws a ball with increased focused on accuracy
  • Works collaboratively with teammates during strategy games - communicates, listens, expresses opinions
  • Shows increased understanding of a Warm-up/Stretch
  • Demonstrates respect for individual differences in physical abilities
  • Participates effectively and demonstrates effort in sports games and fitness activities
  • Engages in sportsmanship and accepts wins and losses with awareness of others
Fourth Grade Visual Art
  • Practices color mixing and relationships of color
  • Demonstrates increased understanding for the implementation of elements and principles in artwork
  • Demonstrates increased stamina and understanding for the process of observing and creating
  • Self directs creative process, perseveres and explores solutions to art problems
  • Discusses thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in artwork; participates and is open to peer feedback about creative process
  • Identifies and compares work of art that connects to personal life, other cultures, time/place and community
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the safe and proficient use of materials and tools for a variety of artistic process
  • Assesses, reworks art and prepares it for presentation
Fourth Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Accesses information using a variety of resources.
  • Understands basic organization of the library classification system.
  • Defines online terms, (home page, website, search engine, URL)
  • Defines URL extensions, (.com, .org, .edu,..gov, .net)
  • Retrieves information in a timely, safe and responsible manner.
  • Evaluates information for currency, credibility, authority and accuracy.
  • Distinguishes between fact and opinion.
  • Recognizes the role of media to persuade and interpret events
  • Demonstrates ethical, legal, and safe use of information.
  • Reads a good representation of grade level text, including classic and contemporary literature and online information.
  • Understand and describes the purpose of age-appropriate book awards (e.g. Caldecott, Newbery, California Young Reader.
  • Uses a variety of information resources to deliver oral presentations that express main ideas supported by significant details.
Fourth Grade Spanish
  • Uses salutations and expressions of courtesy according to the time of day
  • Begins to use verbal cues provided in the target language to infer meaning
  • Begins to respond accurately to basic conversational questions
  • Uses previously learned vocabulary in the target language, including months of the year, family, places/jobs in our school community, prepositions of place, hobbies and date/time
  • Communicates on familiar topics using short sentences
  • Demonstrates comprehension of simple sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Expresses likes, dislikes and emotions in the target language
  • Shares basic information about self in the target language
  • Uses curriculum based vocabulary
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Fourth Grade Music
  • Sings a variety of unison songs and canons with developmental accuracy
  • Demonstrates understanding of simple and compound meters
  • Develops understanding of the musical form of the “blues”
  • Refines soprano recorder technique
  • Cultivates music-reading skills
  • Achieves introductory level ukulele technique
  • Refines ensemble performance skills
  • Demonstrates understanding of word rhythm and singable/memorable melody
  • Demonstrates willingness to improvise

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TK-8 Grade

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