Welcome to Second Grade

Exciting and magical things happen in the second grade, as they operate the lower school Imaginarium, a type of maker space, as their school job.

This is also the first year that students go off campus for an overnight camping trip with their classmates. Second graders also learn about Changemakers and Simple Machine Inventions as they learn about research and reporting skills.

Second Grade Social and Emotional Standards (C.A.R.E.S.)

  • Cooperation: The ability to establish new relationships, to maintain positive relationships and friendships, to avoid social isolation, to resolve conflicts, to accept differences and to be a contributing member of the classroom and community in which one lives, works, learns, and plays
  • Assertiveness: The ability to take initiative, to stand up for one’s idea without hurting or negating others, to seek help, to persevere with a challenging task, and to recognize one’s individual self as separate from the environment, circumstances, or conditions one is in
  • Responsibility: The ability to motivate oneself to act and follow through on expectations; to define a problem, consider the consequences, and choose a positive solution
  • Empathy: The ability to recognize, appreciate, or understand another’s state of mind or emotions, to be receptive to new ideas and perspectives, and to see, appreciate, and value differences and diversity in others
  • Self-Control: The ability to recognize and regulate one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to be successful in the moment and remain on a successful trajectory
Second Grade Mathematics

A Blue Oak math classroom features a combination of whole-group, small-group, and independent activities that are problem centered. In second grade, students focus on addition and subtraction, place value, shapes, and length measurement. Math games and explorations are key elements of the math curriculum.

  • Counts by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s within 1,000
  • Understands place value to the thousands and writes in expanded form
  • Adds fluently within 20
  • Subtracts fluently within 20
  • Represents and solves addition problems to 100
  • Represents and solves subtraction problems to 100
  • Represents halves, thirds and fourths in pictures and identifies the fraction name
  • Recognizes and draws two and three dimensional shapes
  • Measures and estimates using standard and metric units
  • Reads analog clock and can tell time to the nearest five minutes
  • Represents thinking with visual models, equations and words
  • Mentally adds and subtracts 10 or 100 to or from numbers 100 – 900
  • Solves word problems using addition
  • Solves word problems using subtraction
  • Makes change within one dollar
  • Constructs and reads picture and bar graphs, solving problems using information from the graphs
  • Demonstrates understanding of key concepts and uses language introduced when explaining mathematical thinking
Second Grade Literacy

Speaking and Listening

  • Participates in discussions and conversations in small and large groups following expectations
  • Links comments to the remarks of others
  • Describes key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally
  • Asks and answers questions to clarify comprehension, gather additional information or deepen understanding of a topic or issue


  • Utilizes various reading strategies; asking questions, making predictions, summarizing
  • Describes the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the actions
  • Describes character motivations and plot to better understand the main ideas and supporting details
  • Reads and comprehends second grade fiction and informational texts
  • Identifies qualities of fiction and nonfiction
  • Applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
  • Reads words with common suffixes and prefixes
  • Reads common grade level high-frequency words by sight


Second grade follows the writing process (Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing) as students write fiction stories, informational texts, and personal narratives. Writers are encouraged to employ multiple sentences about the same topic, organizing them into basic paragraphs. Our second grade class celebrates the writing process by holding publishing parties for family members and friends.

  • Writes about reading, opinion pieces and informative/explanatory text
  • Follows the stages of the writing process
  • Listens to others’ writing and offers feedback
  • Writes multiple sentences on the same topic
  • Writes a variety of sentences using different parts of speech
  • Correctly uses capitalization and end punctuation
  • Uses more conventional spelling than inventive spelling of high frequency words
  • Prints capital and lowercase letters legibly
  • Writes words with common suffixes and prefixes
Second Grade Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy according to time of day
  • Uses TPR with movements, visual, aural, and tactile approaches to infer meaning
  • Reiteration of previously learned vocabulary, builds upon by including basic foods, clothing and animal body parts
  • Responds accurately to yes/no and either/or questions
  • Communicates on some familiar topics using single words and basic phrases
  • Demonstrates comprehension of simple sentences and/or phrases in the target language
  • Comprehends basic classroom directions provided in the target language
  • Responds accurately to yes/no and either/or questions
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Second Grade Music
  • Sings songs and simple canons using in tune singing voice
  • Responds to and demonstrates melodic contour
  • Recognizes and performs rhythmic patterns in simple and compound meters
  • Demonstrates understanding of musical phrases, patterns and ostinato patterns
  • Performs simple patterned accompaniments, simple melodies and ostinato patterns
  • Incorporates dynamics, tempo and timbre in performances
  • Demonstrates a willingness to improvise
  • Participates in creative movement activities and performs a variety of multicultural folk dances with enthusiasm
Second Grade Body and Movement
  • Shows awareness of teammates during games
  • Passes an object to a moving target
  • Dribbles with dominant and nondominant sides
  • Throws a ball with increased focused on accuracy
  • Works collaboratively with teammates during strategy games - communicates, listens, expresses opinions
  • Shows increased understanding of a Warm-up/Stretch
  • Demonstrates respect for individual differences in physical abilities
  • Participates effectively and demonstrates effort in sports games and fitness activities
  • Engages in sportsmanship and accepts wins and losses with awareness of others
Second Grade Science
  • Makes hypotheses from observations and information
  • Writes or draws descriptions of a sequence of steps, events or observations
  • Gives reasonable explanations for conclusions
  • Conducts simple experiments and follows directions using scientific tools
  • Makes predictions and draws reasonable conclusions based on observed patterns
  • Explores and identifies qualities of the natural world including the interactions between plants and animals
  • Explores and identifies evidence that earth’s changes can be slow or fast
  • Explores and identifies properties of simple machines
Second Grade Social Studies
  • Identifies similarities and differences in people’s habits and living patterns
  • Identifies ways the environment affects how people live and work
  • Recognizes how people affect their environment
  • Recognizes some ways people rely on each other for goods and services
  • Shows some understanding of time and how the past influences people’s lives
  • Demonstrates simple mapping skills to represent familiar locations (room, home, neighborhood, city)
  • Demonstrates understanding as to why there are rules and laws and how government functions
  • Participates in/takes responsibility for class and school jobs
  • Demonstrates awareness about state and country
Second Grade Visual Art
  • Understands relationships between primary and secondary colors; Identifies and understands complementary, contrasting, warm and cool colors
  • Sustains observation for longer periods of concentration and connects what they see with what they create
  • Self directs creative process, perseveres and explores solutions to art problems
  • Discusses thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in artwork; Begins to discuss and reflect with peers about creative process
  • Identifies and communicates work of art that connects to personal life and community
  • Explores use of tools and media in a variety of ways to create works of art
  • Uses art vocabulary to describe creative process
  • Begins to demonstrate safe and appropriates uses for art tools
Second Grade Library and Information Technology
  • Identifies a simple question that needs information.
  • Understands the concept of keywords.
  • Identifies two sources of information that may answer the questions.
  • Independently checks out and cares for library resources, both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Alphabetizes beyond the initial letter to locate resources.
  • Identifies parts of a book: table of contents, glossary, index and dedication.
  • Uses computer software graphic elements and navigational tools.
  • Identifies main ideas in texts in preparation for note taking.
  • Draws meaning from illustrations, diagrams, photographs, charts, maps, graphs and captions.
  • Understands the Internet contains accurate and inaccurate information.
  • Demonstrates the ability to discern the difference between advertisements and information.
  • Demonstrates proper procedures and good citizenship in the library and online.
  • Adheres to privacy and safety guidelines when using the Internet.
  • Uses information and technology creatively to answer a question, solve a problem, or enrich understanding.
  • Reads widely and use various media for information, personal interest, and lifelong learning.