Welcome to Lower School
Lower school is a time of joy and wonder, curiosity and exploration.
Students begin to make stronger connections during the school day through activities that teach the importance of cooperation, responsibility, and a continuing and more sophisticated respect for each individual’s ideas. Care is taken to respect the intellectual curiosity each individual student brings to the classroom.
Early elementary school is a key moment in children’s lives when their attraction to letters, words and books grows and their literary experiences multiply. Love of reading and writing is fostered through retelling, focusing on high-interest topics, and modeling reading and writing behaviors. It is through explicit instruction in phonics, reading strategies and conventions, as well as opportunities to engage with language across subjects, that young learners build their skills and confidence as readers and writers.
During reading, students use author studies, poetry, fiction, and expository texts to explore several genres in literacy. Learning about the world through a variety of rich text and primary sources brings real-world exploration into the classroom. Reading fluency practice allows students to experience what it means to be a strong reader. During guided reading, students practice decoding unfamiliar texts by tracking print, using illustrations, and creating meaning, as they develop and refine a repertoire of strategies. The self-selection of independent reading books throughout the genres of literature is encouraged and supported. Book clubs and literacy circles enable students to guide themselves and others in the discovery of new characters, themes, and understandings.
Lower School students use narrative, memoir, letters, procedural, persuasive, informational, and research writing to communicate with a variety of audiences. Teachers use the CTWP as a guide for their units of study.
Our primary mathematics curriculum in kindergarten through fifth grade is “Bridges in Mathematics,” published by the Math Learning Center and developed by math teachers with the support of the National Science Foundation. Students focus on developing an understanding of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and the ability to solve complex and new problems. Blue Oak students talk about math, describe observations, explain methods, and ask questions. They are encouraged to find multiple ways to solve problems and show different ways of thinking. This is a vital way to help students build more flexible and efficient ways to solve increasingly complex problems. Hands-on activities engage them in exploring, developing, testing, discussing, and applying mathematical concepts.