K-8 Music
Explore Music at Blue Oak School
Transitional Kindergarten Music
- Singing: Explores and responds to different ways of using the voice (whispering, talking, calling, singing)
- Pitch: Responds to and demonstrates high/low
- Rhythm & Meter: Responds to and demonstrates long/short and steady beat
- Form and Design: Performs and identifies same/different parts in simple songs
- Playing: Performs simple accompaniments using body percussion, unpitched and barred instruments
- Expressive Qualities: Explores and identifies loud/soft, fast/slow, connected/separated
- Movement: Participates in creative movement activities and performs simple folk dances with enthusiasm
Kindergarten Music
- Singing: Explores and responds to different ways of using the voice (whispering, talking, calling, singing)
- Pitch: Responds to and demonstrates high/low
- Rhythm & Meter: Responds to and demonstrates long/short and steady beat
- Form and Design: Performs and identifies same/different parts in simple songs
- Playing: Performs simple accompaniments using body percussion, unpitched and barred instruments
- Expressive Qualities: Explores and identifies loud/soft, fast/slow, connected/separated
- Movement: Participates in creative movement activities and performs simple folk dances with enthusiasm
First Grade Music
- Singing: Consistently sings with developmentally appropriate accuracy, alone and with others
- Pitch: Responds to and performs “high” and “low” while singing and playing
- Rhythm & Meter: Easily demonstrates steady beat; echoes; performs and creates simple rhythmic patterns
- Form and Design: Demonstrates an understanding of musical phrase in simple songs
- Playing: Performs simple accompaniments on unpitched and barred instruments
- Expressive Qualities: Explores and identifies dynamics, tempo, timbre
- Movement: Participates in creative movement activities and performs folk dances with enthusiasm
Second Grade Music
- Sings songs and simple canons using in tune singing voice
- Responds to and demonstrates melodic contour
- Recognizes and performs rhythmic patterns in simple and compound meters
- Demonstrates understanding of musical phrases, patterns and ostinato patterns
- Performs simple patterned accompaniments, simple melodies and ostinato patterns
- Incorporates dynamics, tempo and timbre in performances
- Demonstrates a willingness to improvise
- Participates in creative movement activities and performs a variety of multicultural folk dances with enthusiasm
Third Grade Music
- Sings unison and two-part canons with developmentally appropriate accuracy
- Reads and plays rhythms correctly in simple meters
- Demonstrates understanding of musical form in individual and group composition exercises
- Achieves beginning level soprano recorder technique
- Reads notes on the treble clef music staff while playing soprano recorder
- Develops beginning level awareness of effective ensemble playing
- Incorporates expressive musical qualities in ensemble performances
- Demonstrates a willingness to improvise
- Performs a variety of multicultural and folk dances with enthusiasm
Fourth Grade Music
- Sings a variety of unison songs and canons with developmental accuracy
- Demonstrates understanding of simple and compound meters
- Develops understanding of the musical form of the “blues”
- Refines soprano recorder technique
- Cultivates music-reading skills
- Achieves introductory level ukulele technique
- Refines ensemble performance skills
- Demonstrates understanding of word rhythm and singable/memorable melody
- Demonstrates willingness to improvise
Fifth Grade Music
- Sings a variety of unison songs and canons with developmental accuracy
- Demonstrates understanding of simple and compound meters
- Demonstrates understanding of musical structure/form including phrases and sections, introduction, interlude, coda
- Achieves beginning level African drumming technique
- Develops ukulele technique
- Hones ensemble playing and performance skills
- Demonstrates an understanding of word rhythm and singable/memorable melody
- Demonstrates a willingness to improvise
Sixth Grade Music
- Demonstrates beginning to intermediate technique on applied instrument
- Performs as part of an ensemble and works with other members of the group
- Demonstrates an understanding of basic music fundamentals and terminology, including an understanding of music notation
- Maintains a steady beat while singing and/or playing an instrument
- Maintains focus during lessons and uses class time productively
- Shows respect for the instruments and equipment
- Participates fully and shares musical ideas
Seventh Grade Music
- Demonstrates beginning to intermediate technique on applied instrument
- Performs as part of an ensemble and works with other members of the group
- Demonstrates an analytical ear and is able to identify instrumentation, style, and the main musical ideas of a work
- Demonstrates an understanding of basic music fundamentals and terminology, including an understanding of music notation
- Maintains a steady beat while singing and/or playing an instrument
- Maintains focus during lessons and uses class time productively
- Shows respect for the instruments and equipment
- Participates fully and shares musical ideas
Eighth Grade Music
- Demonstrates beginning to intermediate technique on applied instrument
- Performs as part of an ensemble and works with other members of the group
- Demonstrates an analytical ear and is able to identify instrumentation, style, and the main musical ideas of a work
- Is able to identify excerpts from the selected repertoire
- Demonstrates an understanding of basic music fundamentals and terminology, including an understanding of music notation
- Maintains a steady beat while singing and/or playing an instrument
- Maintains focus during lessons and uses class time productively
- Shows respect for the instruments and equipment
- Participates fully and shares musical ideas