Welcome to Seventh Grade

The seventh grade year continues to focus on leadership and team building both in and out of the classroom, and culminates in a spring overnight trip to Point Reyes.

Leadership in history is studied via ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance with several opportunities for integrated projects with the art department like architecture and illuminated letters. Exciting components of the year in math include the budget project, transformations, and scale drawings.

Seventh Grade Social and Emotional Standards (C.A.R.E.S.)

  • Cooperation: Is able to make and keep friends, works with others toward a common goal, resolves differences quickly, cooperates as a group leader or as a member of the group
  • Assertiveness: Expresses strong emotions or opinions effectively, is able to seek help, shows openness and honesty, persists through challenging events, takes initiative to do what’s right, makes choices they feel good about later
  • Responsibility: Selects the best option among choices for a suitable outcome, holds oneself accountable, demonstrates social, civic and digital responsibility, takes care of property
  • Empathy: Recognizes and manages one’s own emotions and recognizes the emotions of others, respects and values diversity in others. Respects different cultural norms, is aware of the impact of one’s actions on others
  • Self-control: Adheres to social, behavioral, and moral standards, manages overwhelming thoughts and emotions, controls impulses and delays gratification, shows hope and perseverance
teens hiking at sunrise
Seventh Grade Mathematics
  • Shares and writes mathematical reasoning and processes
  • Attends to precision, reviews strategies, steps, and calculations for accuracy
  • Makes connections between projects and real-life scenarios to mathematical concepts
  • Evaluates proportional relationships and applies them to solve problems involving rates, ratios, percent, scale, and equivalency
  • Demonstrates the ability to apply understandings of mathematical operations to rational numbers
  • Solves problems using numerical and algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities
  • Analyzes problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and observing patterns
  • Solves multi-step equations and inequalities that involve integers, fractions, and decimals
  • Draws, constructs, and describes geometrical figures and their relationships
  • Solves problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume
  • Collects, organizes, and represents data sets to identify relationships draw inferences about populations
Seventh Grade Literacy
  • Speaking and Listening

    • Follows agreed-upon rules for discussion
    • Participates and shows contribution in cooperative group work
    • Contributes to whole-class discussions
    • Demonstrates effective presentation skills


    • Reads and prepares for class discussion
    • Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in texts and vocabulary study
    • Understands and identifies the literary devices presented this term
    • Demonstrates comprehension by summarizing, analyzing, and forming opinions based on textual evidence
    • Demonstrates comprehension by asking and answering literal, interpretive, and evaluative questions


    • Follows the conventions of standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling
    • Employs pre-writing, editing and revising to complete work
    • Practices appropriate writing techniques and meets requirements to thoroughly address topic
    • Writes stories that show clear storyline and descriptive details
    • Writes narratives essays that build toward a conclusion or personal statement
    • Writes informative pieces to explain a topic with relevant details
    • Writes argument essays to defend a position
    • Creates poetry that incorporates classic poetic elements
Seventh Grade Science
  • Develops reasonable hypotheses, asks relevant questions
  • Devises a step-by-step procedure to solve problems and make decisions
  • Works safely and collaboratively to develop solutions to scientific problems
  • Accurately collects, records, analyzes, evaluates and presents data
  • Uses data to support conclusions
  • Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units of study
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the use and care of standard laboratory equipment
Seventh Grade Social Studies
  • Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
  • Displays knowledge of physical and cultural geography in units of study
  • Conducts research projects drawing on multiple sources to account for varying perspectives
Seventh Grade Visual Art
  • Implements color through the use of various artistic media, learns techniques for mixing, blending and layering colors
  • Demonstrates complex use of the elements and principles
  • Explores and sustains stamina to find creative solutions to an assignment
  • Uses constructive feedback and critique to deeply engage in the artistic process
  • Synthesizes and relates knowledge and personal experiences to create art
  • Shows awareness and perception of culture and how it reflects in works of art
  • Demonstrate quality craftsmanship through care for and use of materials and tools
  • Uses tools and media in a variety of creative ways
  • Analyzes, interprets, and selects own artistic work for presentation
Seventh Grade Spanish
  • Accurately responds and asks basic conversational questions
  • Expresses feelings, agreement, disagreement and opinions in the target language
  • Makes affirmative and negative statements on familiar topics
  • Recalls and begins to use previously taught vocabulary
  • Begins to use reflexive verbs
  • Uses adjectives to describe people, animals and places in detail
  • Uses the correct conjugations for -AR, -ER, -IR regular verbs in the present tense
  • Uses the correct conjugations for some irregular verbs, including “Ser” and “Estar” (Verb “To Be”),
  • “Tener” (Verb “To Have”) and “Ir” (Verb “To Go”) in the present tense
  • Understands written language on a variety of topics
  • Presents basic information in the target language
Seventh Grade Music
  • Demonstrates beginning to intermediate technique on applied instrument
  • Performs as part of an ensemble and works with other members of the group
  • Demonstrates an analytical ear and is able to identify instrumentation, style, and the main musical ideas of a work
  • Demonstrates an understanding of basic music fundamentals and terminology, including an understanding of music notation
  • Maintains a steady beat while singing and/or playing an instrument
  • Maintains focus during lessons and uses class time productively
  • Shows respect for the instruments and equipment
  • Participates fully and shares musical ideas
Seventh Grade Physical Education
  • Demonstrates the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities
  • Strikes an object consistently, using an implement, so that the object travels in the intended direction with the intended force
  • Throws an object accurately and with applied force, using the underhand, overhand, and sidearm movement
  • Analyzes and corrects errors in movement patterns
  • Assess one’s own muscle strength, muscle endurance, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and body composition
  • Assess periodically the attainment of, or progress toward, personal physical fitness goals and make necessary adjustments to a personal physical fitness program
  • Participates productively in group physical activities and games
  • Engages in sportsmanship and accepts wins and losses with awareness of others
  • Describes the role of physical activity and nutrition in achieving physical fitness
  • Shows ability to focus the mind during Yoga instruction
  • Demonstrates progress with Yoga form, flexibility & strength