Despite the many challenges we all face during this COVID-19 Pandemic, we can’t wait for school to start! This summer at Blue Oak we have been busy planning both for an outstanding, dynamic and engaging distance-learning program, and for the day when we will be able to shift to in-person learning.

There are myriad details to both approaches, and we want to share as many details as we can at this time, knowing that the situation is fluid and we will have to adjust accordingly. Here we share how things will work in the new school year, under our current Health Department mandates.

Our task force teams have been hard at work and we are looking forward to sharing this comprehensive plan with you. While we are trying to anticipate unexpected changes in cases, and conditions in the School and Community the situation is constantly evolving and we will be in immediate contact should significant changes occur. The primary communication will be done through the weekly Blue Oak Bulletin (BOB) and emails from the Head of School; virtual community meetings, parent meetings, our new learning management system, Canvas. We are also finalizing a dedicated COVID-19 page on our website that should be referred frequently for up to date information.

The strength of a community can in part be measured by its response to a crisis. During this challenging period, Blue Oak – students, faculty, staff, and parents – modeled compassion, resilience, and flexibility. What a positive message in a world in which uncertainty can undercut the joy of learning and hope for the future. Blue Oak Strong!

School Reopening Plans

Read the full text of our Reopening Plans

View Full Guidance


Covid-19 Guidance Checklist

Covid-19 Prevention for Travel

Model Covid-19 Prevention Program