Welcome to Kindergarten

Kindergarten at Blue Oak is filled with a balance of play-based and structured learning as students learn to be part of their community.

The class job for kindergarten is taking care of the school garden, which supports the ongoing study of weather patterns, living things, specifically plants, and one’s place in the home and school family. Gardening is also a great way to learn about the five senses as students observe, smell, and taste the produce they care for in the garden. Through this work students also learn to observe and to take notes and measurements while experiencing the natural world.

Kindergarten Social and Emotional Standards (C.A.R.E.S.)

  • Cooperation: The ability to establish new relationships, to maintain positive relationships and friendships, to avoid social isolation, to resolve conflicts, to accept differences and to be a contributing member of the classroom and community in which one lives, works, learns, and plays
  • Assertiveness: The ability to take initiative, to stand up for one’s idea without hurting or negating others, to seek help, to persevere with a challenging task, and to recognize one’s individual self as separate from the environment, circumstances, or conditions one is in
  • Responsibility: The ability to motivate oneself to act and follow through on expectations; to define a problem, consider the consequences, and choose a positive solution
  • Empathy: The ability to recognize, appreciate, or understand another’s state of mind or emotions, to be receptive to new ideas and perspectives, and to see, appreciate, and value differences and diversity in others
  • Self-Control: The ability to recognize and regulate one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to be successful in the moment and remain on a successful trajectory
Kindergarten Math

A Blue Oak math classroom features a combination of whole-group, small-group, and independent activities that are problem centered. In kindergarten, students focus on whole numbers and shapes. Individual and partner games support students as they gain numeracy skills. Students learn to recognize numbers and coins, become skilled counters and graph-makers, practice estimating, and learn to combine and compare numbers. Science and social studies units, often linked to our ongoing work in math, provide a meaningful context for students’ skill development.

  • Counts to 20 using one-to-one correspondence
  • Recognizes and writes numerals from 0-50
  • Counts by 1s and 10s up to 100
  • Sequences and compares numbers between 0-20
  • Fluently adds and subtracts within 10
  • Adds and subtracts sums and differences up to 10 (using manipulatives)
  • Compose and decompose numbers 11-19 into tens and ones
  • Explains and records thinking with objects, drawings, equations, graphs
  • Demonstrates understanding of key concepts in current unit
Kindergarten Literacy

Speaking and Listening

  • Speaks clearly and communicates effectively
  • Uses appropriate tone, volume, and language
  • Makes statements and asks questions that demonstrate relevant thinking
  • Listens to and responds to others’ ideas
  • Follows multi-step directions
  • Participates in discussions and conversations appropriately

Reading & Writing

Kindergarten students use drawing and approximate spelling to share and communicate their ideas independently. Students also engage in shared writing.

  • Writes uppercase and lowercase letters with appropriate directionality
  • Uses drawing and approximate spelling to communicate ideas in writing pieces
  • Demonstrates understanding of letter-sound correspondence
  • Reads environmental print and grade-level sight words
  • Decodes phonetic three-letter words
  • Demonstrates phonological awareness
  • Demonstrates basic print concepts
  • Engages in literacy activities with purpose and understanding
Kindergarten Science
  • Makes predictions and draws conclusions with reasonable explanations
  • Collects and records data with drawings, numbers, dictation and/or writing
  • Makes observations in discussions and investigations
  • Demonstrates understanding of key concepts in current units
Kindergarten Social Studies
  • Respects and abides by classroom and community rules
  • Shows awareness of self as a member of the classroom/school community and contributes positively to each
  • Takes responsibility for and takes care of self and personal belongings
  • Takes care of and uses classroom and school materials appropriately
  • Recognizes and communicates physical and emotional needs appropriately
  • Demonstrates self-awareness (physical, verbal) when moving and/or interacting with peers and adults
  • Demonstrates understanding of time
  • Identifies similarities and differences between self and others, as well as between family structures
  • Demonstrates understanding of key concepts in current units
Kindergarten Library & Information Technology
  • Knows how, and is able to check out resources from the school library responsibly.
  • Distinguishes fact from fiction.
  • Understands the general organization of the library.
  • Identifies basic facts and ideas in what was read, heard, or seen.
  • Uses pictures and context to make predictions about content.
  • Reads or is read to from a variety of resources.
  • Understands and responds to nonfiction.
Kindergarten Visual Art
  • Color: Identifies and uses primary and secondary colors
  • Creating: Engages in creative work in a self directed and engaging way
  • Expressing: Discusses thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in artwork
  • Connecting: Recognizes the process and purpose of making art
  • Tools and media: Understands how to use art tools and media for appropriate purpose
Kindergarten Spanish
  • Uses basic salutations and expressions of courtesy
  • Uses TPR with movements, visual, aural, and tactile approaches to infer meaning
  • Uses basic routine vocabulary, including the alphabet, numbers, colors and parts of the body
  • Uses curriculum based vocabulary
  • Uses single words and sentences to communicate on familiar topics
  • Responds accurately to yes/no questions
  • Practices cultural components through music, games and celebrations
Kindergarten Music
  • Singing: Explores and responds to different ways of using the voice (whispering, talking, calling, singing)
  • Pitch: Responds to and demonstrates high/low
  • Rhythm & Meter: Responds to and demonstrates long/short and steady beat
  • Form and Design: Performs and identifies same/different parts in simple songs
  • Playing: Performs simple accompaniments using body percussion, unpitched and barred instruments
  • Expressive Qualities: Explores and identifies loud/soft, fast/slow, connected/separated
  • Movement: Participates in creative movement activities and performs simple folk dances with enthusiasm
Kindergarten Body and Movement
  • Shows spatial awareness
  • Plays cooperatively with classmates - developing games together
  • Progresses with individual balances and movements
  • Shows locomotor growth (jogging, sprinting, skipping, galloping)
  • Follows an obstacle course from beginning to end
  • Introduction to equipment
  • Sustains continuous movement for increasing periods of time
  • Engages in focused freeplay without equipment

Join us for our Fall Open House

on Saturday, October 26th 2024

TK-8th Grade
9am - 11am

RSVP today: Click Here